your dream house with erna
Being a wife, the mom of our three sons and boss of our dog Spike, I’m the only female in our family house in Amstelveen. With my passion for colours and interior, it is lovely to bring the female touch to our home and create a good balance between all those men, comfort and coziness.
The other balance I love to look for is the one between design items and functional solutions. Customised creations are great to develop, but I see it as a nice challenge to find a solution in less expensive (retail) options as well. Because a good design doesn’t always have to be expensive.
Aside of being a good listener and being cooperative with my clients, I strive to create a personally fit design. A piece of furniture that stays, art or some other object will be the start of my new interior design for you.

1. Listening
After good investment of your wishes and research of the routing in your home, I’ll advise you which bundle fits you best. As soon as you agree, the creating will start.
2. Creative vision
After a period of creating, I get back to you with my proposal for lay-out of your interior, colour, material and style for the rooms you’d like me to help you with.
3 . off you go
From this moment on, you’ll be able to show the constructor how you’d like things to be done, or I could do the instructions for you. Using the designed plan, you could also choose to do the reconstruction yourself. On top of the designing plan you could also choose for a lighting advise or styling advise.