Bathroom aqua-marble

Bathroom aqua-marble
“Sustainable Passage” 
“The beloved house of this owner, Tonnie,  has been build thirty years ago and thirty was the age of her narrow, long bathroom.  For the design of her new bathroom, Tonnie asked for the advice of  ‘ErvoorErna interior design’.  
An important condition to her was to remove the bath. She never uses it and therefore it was an object of great disturbance and a lot of work to keep clean. Important was to watch her age: she gets a bit older and it’s valuable to create a spacious walk through.  A walk-in shower and a raised toilet seat was a wish as well, because, though still very mobile, it’s important to think about a less mobile but still functional future. The black bathroom fittings have been combined with tiles in aqua and marble- look. In order to bring some ‘warmth’ in the room I chose for an oak  cabinet, oak details and taupe colored towels. 



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